Do you truly believe you are prepared for your next relationship?
Do you feel you are prepared for all that comes with it?
Are you swiping left or right, and not happy with the results?
Have you been on too many bad dates? Or not enough good ones?
Do you feel your dating experiences are wasting time, effort & money?
I recommend you stop and take stock. This review assessment (quiz) will help you see clearly where you are and where you intend to be. Your results will help you see what is working, and what is not. You will have clarity on how to proceed. And you will be reminded how amazing you are too!
This quiz incorporates four key archetypes from the Wizard Of Oz. You will also discover which archetypes you are most aligned with, and how each one impacts your journey.
Let's get going, your adventure on the yellow brick road beckons!
Let’s look at your relationship with yourself:
Do you trust love and being in love? |
Do you feel you love and appreciate who you are? |
Do you feel safe around love? |
Do you feel good about your emotional health? |
Do you believe you have healthy boundaries? |
Do you feel ease and comfort sharing love without agenda? |
Are you investing your time and energy toward being fulfilled in yourself? |
Let’s look at your relationship history, with compassion:
Have you made peace with all past partners? |
Do you look back and see the gifts you gained from your past relationship? |
Have you faced, owned, and resolved your own part in past relationships? |
Not over your ex? Do you find yourself looking back, and missing them? |
Are you emotionally whole and open, since your breakup? |
Do you feel you have processed and resolved your old emotional baggage? |
Do you feel safe and trusting with new prospective partners? |
Are you able to let go of control and attachment? |
Do you drop your guard too easily? |
Do you get triggered by conflicts, arguments, and/or disagreements? |
Do you honor and communicate your needs and wants? |
Are you actively involved with personal healing, growth and self-improvement? |
Do you feel comfortable meeting new people and forming new connections? |
The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
Do you feel emotionally available for a new relationship? |
Do you feel comfortable accepting love and affection from a new partner? |
Are you prepared for deep intimacy and closeness in a new relationship? |
Are you willing to invest your time and effort into building a new relationship? |
Do you feel ready to fully express and give love? |
Do you feel ready to fully open to receive love? |
Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
%%NAME%%, your results suggest you have old limiting stories still living in your heart, some unresolved emotional baggage that hasn't been unpacked yet. This will hold you back from having a truly amazing and different relationship experience, for sure. It is like having someone waving their hands in front of your face so you have difficulty looking past them. Except that you have not been aware of this. Until now, perhaps. This is the time.
Are you ready to face your past? Are you ready, with support, to heal whatever lies there, so you can be free of your past, once and for all, and be fully able to move forward without any baggage?
I will help you. Choose a time on my calendar %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
%%NAME%%, your results suggest you have old limiting stories still living in your heart, some unresolved emotional baggage that hasn't been unpacked yet. This will hold you back from having a truly amazing and different relationship experience, for sure. It is like having someone waving their hands in front of your face so you have difficulty looking past them. Except that you have not been aware of this. Until now, perhaps. This is the time.
Are you ready to face your past? Are you ready, with support, to heal whatever lies there, so you can be free of your past, once and for all, and be fully able to move forward without any baggage?
I will help you. Choose a time on my calendar %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
You do have some unresolved emotional and mental baggage, %%NAME%%, that is still cluttering your view ahead. When you explore new romance, you may notice some lingering beliefs and old patterns surfacing at inconvenient places and times in your new relationship. Disconcerting for sure. I recommend seeking guidance to navigate this in a positive and uplifting way.
Naturally, I offer my guidance and counsel. I will help you. Choose a time on my calendar, %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
You do have some unresolved emotional and mental baggage, %%NAME%%, that is still cluttering your view ahead. When you explore new romance, you may notice some lingering beliefs and old patterns surfacing at inconvenient places and times in your new relationship. Disconcerting for sure. I recommend seeking guidance to navigate this in a positive and uplifting way.
Naturally, I offer my guidance and counsel. I will help you. Choose a time on my calendar, %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
Congratulations %%NAME%%, you either have had the joy of a healthy relationship history, or have taken conscious action to have a healed experience with your history. Either option shows that you are able to move forward without dragging old experiences into your next dating opportunity.
Yet, even the most aligned and conscious individuals often choose to have a guide and counsel along the way to ensure their happiness and fulfillment. If you are one of these individuals, I invite you to choose a time on my calendar %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Scarecrow is the guardian of self-esteem and choice, and can be the best ally. Though he is also his own worst critic, which includes perceived mental lack, self-doubt, lack of self-trust, limiting beliefs, and more. This rating is a glimpse at your history and your past relationship experiences.
The Scarecrow acts like he has no brain, that he is not smart. He has believed what someone told him, that he was dumb. He has carried this false and limiting message as a belief ever since. He never took the time to look back and notice what he did well as that would shatter his false belief. If he had taken time to look back with honesty, he might have learned he did have a brain.
Despite this limiting belief, he still shows wisdom. Even with this self-talk, he finds solutions for problems and has wise strategies. This is the high-side of Scarecrow.
Like Scarecrow, many people have made up beliefs that limit them. Perhaps you have too? Do you look back at your past relationships with disdain, feeling hurt about what happened, or perhaps you carry resentment and blame for an ex-partner? Do you believe you are unable to trust yourself? Do you carry limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? Do you doubt you can fully love and be loved?
Or do you look back with compassion, particularlty for yourself? Or at least wish to? Looking back at your past with clarity, and compassion, is the best way to heal and move forward with self-esteem and wholeness. Simply put, it is great to have 20/20 hindsight. It is even better to do something about it.
Congratulations %%NAME%%, you either have had the joy of a healthy relationship history, or have taken conscious action to have a healed experience with your history. Either option shows that you are able to move forward without dragging old experiences into your next dating opportunity.
Yet, even the most aligned and conscious individuals often choose to have a guide and counsel along the way to ensure their happiness and fulfillment. If you are one of these individuals, I invite you to choose a time on my calendar %%NAME%%, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
In your life to this point %%NAME%%, you have likely focused more attention on the well-being of others, and less toward yourself. This is not unusual, as particularly kind and caring people often do this, so please don't be too hard on yourself. Frankly, being hard on yourself would only complicate things!
If you are ready to change, to become aware of where you can build greater trust with yourself, where you can be true to yourself, while even saying no to others more often, where you put yourself first, and truly be more loving with yourself, then you are on-course for a healthier relationship with yourself, and ultimately with others too. It is the best homework(!), and it is worth it. I recommend it!
Are you ready to dive in to some deep inner work %%NAME%%, and transform your relationship with the one in the mirror? I will help you. I recommend you book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
In your life to this point %%NAME%%, you have likely focused more attention on the well-being of others, and less toward yourself. This is not unusual, as particularly kind and caring people often do this, so please don't be too hard on yourself. Frankly, being hard on yourself would only complicate things!
If you are ready to change, to become aware of where you can build greater trust with yourself, where you can be true to yourself, while even saying no to others more often, where you put yourself first, and truly be more loving with yourself, then you are on-course for a healthier relationship with yourself, and ultimately with others too. It is the best homework(!), and it is worth it. I recommend it!
Are you ready to dive in to some deep inner work %%NAME%%, and transform your relationship with the one in the mirror? I will help you. I recommend you book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
%%NAME%%, it is clear your relationship with yourself is a work in progress. You have some rock solid practices in your life, and a few that fall to the wayside. Your relationship goals may have been to avoid dealing with some of those wayside items. Getting back into gear with caring for yourself, loving yourself, and building your self-trust, self-support and healthy boundaries is strongly encouraged.
Are you willing to take your self-support and self-care to higher levels? To heal and clear out whatever may still be in the way of your full self-expression? Are you ready and willing to love the one in the mirror? It is work, and it is worth it. I highly recommend it!
Are you ready to transform your relationship with yourself, to an even richer degree, %%NAME%%? I will help you. I invite you to book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
%%NAME%%, it is clear your relationship with yourself is a work in progress. You have some rock solid practices in your life, and a few that fall to the wayside. Your relationship goals may have been to avoid dealing with some of those wayside items. Getting back into gear with caring for yourself, loving yourself, and building your self-trust, self-support and healthy boundaries is strongly encouraged.
Are you willing to take your self-support and self-care to higher levels? To heal and clear out whatever may still be in the way of your full self-expression? Are you ready and willing to love the one in the mirror? It is work, and it is worth it. I highly recommend it!
Are you ready to transform your relationship with yourself, to an even richer degree, %%NAME%%? I will help you. I invite you to book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
%%NAME%%, you are rocking your life! You take good care of yourself, you are honest with yourself, and you don't avoid or hide from your own truth. You have a strong loving relationship with yourself. You make self-honoring choices, you have healthy boundaries with others, and you have strong self-trust. This is the healthy relationship you need with yourself as a foundation, before looking for a relationship with anyone else. Wise choice!
Do you want to go even deeper (or higher), %%NAME%%? Book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]Dorothy's archetype is the child, the heroine. She is the core elemental character of the Wizard of Oz. She represents the way the world is seen, through her own eyes and perception. She is about self-reflection. This rating is how well you focus inward, and how healthy is your relationship with self.
Dorothy realizes the other characters are actually reflections of parts of herself. She learns bravery and courage from the lion, and she learns to stand strong on her own. She discovers her own capacity to create change, to improve her own life, to be present in her life fully. This is the journey of self-discovery and reflection. Dorothy's focus is to return home.
This is your invitation to come home, to yourself. To truly own and honor your relationship with yourself. Show yourself kindness and compassion to yourself, give yourself the grace of self-forgiveness. By doing so, like Dorothy, you will anoint others the same way.
Reconnecting with that child inside, your inner self, and loving them, is how you become a whole person once again. Stand tall in your ownership of all of who you are. From this alignment and freedom, you become a beacon, a magnet for the relationship you always dreamed of.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_DOROTHY - Love for Self%%
%%NAME%%, you are rocking your life! You take good care of yourself, you are honest with yourself, and you don't avoid or hide from your own truth. You have a strong loving relationship with yourself. You make self-honoring choices, you have healthy boundaries with others, and you have strong self-trust. This is the healthy relationship you need with yourself as a foundation, before looking for a relationship with anyone else. Wise choice!
Do you want to go even deeper (or higher), %%NAME%%? Book a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
You have some work ahead, %%NAME%%. Having a clear vision helps, as does having clear self-awareness and self-respect. Do you have what it takes to be the partner you need to be for the relationshoip you dream of? This often overlooked self-reflection causes a lot of relationship mistakes, as you may realize.
Are you ready to clear out what may be in the way, so you can both be an amazing partner, and to attract your amazing partner? If you are a yes, %%NAME%%, choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
You have some work ahead, %%NAME%%. Having a clear vision helps, as does having clear self-awareness and self-respect. Do you have what it takes to be the partner you need to be for the relationshoip you dream of? This often overlooked self-reflection causes a lot of relationship mistakes, as you may realize.
Are you ready to clear out what may be in the way, so you can both be an amazing partner, and to attract your amazing partner? If you are a yes, %%NAME%%, choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
Your results indicate you are on the right path %%NAME%%, though have several hurdles and blocks in your way to having what you want in relationship. At the same time, I want you to know that you are far ahead of many singles who have no clue how to proceed!
Are you ready to remove those hurdles and blocks so you can truly attract the partnership your heart calls out for? If so, %%NAME%%, I will help you. I strongly encourage you to choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
Your results indicate you are on the right path %%NAME%%, though have several hurdles and blocks in your way to having what you want in relationship. At the same time, I want you to know that you are far ahead of many singles who have no clue how to proceed!
Are you ready to remove those hurdles and blocks so you can truly attract the partnership your heart calls out for? If so, %%NAME%%, I will help you. I strongly encourage you to choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
Your results indicate you are in a really good place and have a good focus for your future relationship. I commend you, %%NAME%%. How is your search and clarity working for you? Are you patiently moving forward, trusting what is ahead for you in love and romance? Or is there a sense of urgency still? A feeling that you could be even more successful and happy with a little nudge and guidance to accelerate your goal?
If you answered yes, we should talk! I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Tin Man had loved and lost his true love while he was still human, however was cursed by a witch and became a metal man, without apparent feeling or humanity. The Tin Man didn't believe he had a heart, or could love. This rating looks through the same lens, how open your heart is, how willing you are to love and be loved, and how clear you are.
The Tin-Man doesn't have a vision of what he could become or have. He basically moved ahead without direction or clarity. He, honestly, was fearful of being hurt again. He was afraid of the future, uncertain of what was ahead. A key part of attracting an amazing new relationship is have clarity about what this is for you. And to stop being afraid.
Have you felt like your relationship future was blurry and unclear? Do you even know what your future relationship looks like? What it feels like? How you would feel? How clear are you about what you are seeking - what is the relationship you truly want? To have the amazing relationship you truly desire and deserve, take your time to get clear what your heart truly desires, what you really want in partnership.
I encourage you to focus on getting really clear about your dream relationship. Build a vision board, create affirmations, write out intentions, journal what it will feel like, how you will be together, and so much more!
Investing time in these activities will pay dividends, and will assist you in having a clear and powerful focus for what you want. There is a lot more possible.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The TIN MAN - Looking Ahead%%
Your results indicate you are in a really good place and have a good focus for your future relationship. I commend you, %%NAME%%. How is your search and clarity working for you? Are you patiently moving forward, trusting what is ahead for you in love and romance? Or is there a sense of urgency still? A feeling that you could be even more successful and happy with a little nudge and guidance to accelerate your goal?
If you answered yes, we should talk! I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate you may have stopped relying on yourself (or never truly began). You may hve believed that self-trust and self-reliance have not been your strong suits. Perhaps you have lacked the courage to stand up for yourself, to honor and speak your own beliefs, and let others dictate your life for you? Have you been unwilling to look inside? Have you been uncomfortable owning your own mastery? Perhaps you were told off or shut down too many times, for being too visible, or judged as overwhelming by others? Have you been unwilling to take ownership of your own space or your own destiny? Afraid of messing up or disappointing others? Do you feel ready to look at and own your innate power and authority?
Are you done with playing small? Or will you let fear hold you back from what you deserve?
If this speaks to you, we should talk. I will help you, %%NAME%%. Choose a time on my calendar, and schedule your complimentary chat with me.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate that as good as you feel, and as comfortable as are you are being, there is more to grow into. This life journey is a constant opportunity to know yourself even better and deeper, and I strongly encourage you to keep seeking and learning about yourself, whether you do it alone, or choose to have help and guidance. This is the path I have chosen over many years myself.
Is it time for you to elevate from average to magnificent? Are you ready? I will help you, %%NAME%%. I recommend you schedule yourself on my calendar, and book your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
%%NAME%%, your results indicate that as good as you feel, and as comfortable as are you are being, there is more to grow into. This life journey is a constant opportunity to know yourself even better and deeper, and I strongly encourage you to keep seeking and learning about yourself, whether you do it alone, or choose to have help and guidance. This is the path I have chosen over many years myself.
Is it time for you to elevate from average to magnificent? Are you ready? I will help you, %%NAME%%. I recommend you schedule yourself on my calendar, and book your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/CloneShowCategoryScore]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
I applaud the commitment you have to your self-support and self-regard. You are thriving more and more. Your future choices are clearly based on a healthy present sense of self and trust in who you are. Life is looking very good for you, %%NAME%%.
Sometimes even when life is going really well, it is wise to have a reflective guide to keep you going, a guide beside you to help you navigate even more effectively. If this appeals to you, %%NAME%%, I invite you to schedule yourself on my calendar. Book your complimentary chat with me right away.
[/ShowCategoryScoreJS]The Cowardly Lion lives a life oblivious to who he really is, and what he really feels inside. He may appear fierce and ferocious, however he doesn't actually believe that about himself. He is convinced he is a coward. He believes he has no courage, and has to be afraid, to be a scaredy cat. He is unwilling to look inside, to trust his authentic self, so he continues to be skittish and afraid.
He carries false beliefs, that diminish him. He doesn't take the time to really see himself, to express his real authority, his true nature, to embrace who he is and to own his full expression as a courageous being. He would rather look down at his feet, than own his courage and step up to where he belongs. He basically lives at a very surface level, and because of this, he is living at perhaps 10% of his full potential, and he misses out on how amazing (and brave) he really is.
For you, this rating gauges your willingness to uplevel your life, to step up, and how courageously you face what is ahead. Are you taking ownership of your true nature and stepping up to be who you are meant to be?
This look inside is where the deeper work is, and when the journey is taken to grow and thrive, to become the amazing partner you wish to be, to own your authentic nature, and your innate courage, so you can embrace your dream relationship! When you do, the changes in your life will be amazing and transformative. Where the Cowardly Lion fell down, was not owning his own empowerment and self-esteem. You are not limited by this, you can own your full empowerment, be the courageous one. Truly, this is all an inside job.
When you choose courage, and are willing to take charge, you will grow and thrive. You will lift yourself up to where you belong. Just like the Cowardly Lion, you can only find happiness after you've changed the way you see yourself.
Your score (out of %%TOTAL_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%): %%YOUR_SCORE_CATEGORY_The COWARDLY LION - Your Journey%%
I applaud the commitment you have to your self-support and self-regard. You are thriving more and more. Your future choices are clearly based on a healthy present sense of self and trust in who you are. Life is looking very good for you, %%NAME%%.
Sometimes even when life is going really well, it is wise to have a reflective guide to keep you going, a guide beside you to help you navigate even more effectively. If this appeals to you, %%NAME%%, I invite you to schedule yourself on my calendar. Book your complimentary chat with me right away.