“My wife and I would not be together today, nor would we have gotten married if not for the intercession, wisdom and support from Barry. Today, my wife and I enjoy a DEEP, MEANINGFUL and FULFILLED partnership, complete with adoration and overflowing with love. I still get butterflies when I see her smile. Barry, you offer real core truths that don’t ‘change’ relationships… they become TRANSFORMED. Thank you, thank you, thank you- from the bottom of my heart. There’s no price I can place on genuine ‘love.’ Thank you brother. I’ve contemplated this Barry, and in no way, shape or form can I ever ‘repay you’ for this… so I have decided to simply ‘pay it forward,’ by being inside of this incredible relationship that you helped transform and just as passionately, by referring any others to you… whether they are with someone or single. The key here is never really ‘the other person’… the most important relationship we have is to ourselves… and until that is defined and honored, there is no ‘other person’ we can even begin to consider. All of this starts with us and I can only hope that others are able to have this ultimate gift that Tracy and I have received. Thank you, thank you, thank you.“
“Barry epitomizes the perfect blend of practical, spiritual, tangible and the intangible in relation to coaching. He comes from a gentle, loving, and friendly spirit that really speaks to women and allowed me to open up to him in a way as if I’ve known him forever. He is an attentive listener, and the insights he offered gave me real ways to redirect my energies. He helped me realize how to control only the things that I could control and to release that was merely holding me prisoner (when I didn’t even realize it was). He has certainly impacted my journey, and I am confident there are countless more who will be blessed to have Barry impact theirs.“
“Thank you for your insight and CLEAR VISION at Amazing Woman’s Day in San Diego…the Women LOVED you, but truly, your insight and understanding has SUCH value. We could have sat with your guidance and brilliant intuition for hours.. :)”
“Barry your knowledge and understanding and insight were simply incredible! Thank you! I truly benefited from your unique insight and perspective...God Bless you!”