You deserve this loving relationship. What is in the way for you? Who do you need to become to have this love, this relationship?
Are you really ready for relationship?
Do you know what your relationship blocks are?
Do you wonder why your dating experience suck?
Do you feel there’s something missing that is blocking your dating success?
Discover what is in your way, and how ready for love and relationship you are with my Relationship Readiness Quiz.
Self-guided and immersive support helping you create your vision and attraction for the love you desire, with optional coaching.
Deep dive private guidance and support to help you heal your heart, rewrite your future so you can attract an amazing relationship.
Join like-minded and like-hearted individuals in one of my group masterclasses where you can heal and grow in support with others.
I am a masterful relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, podcaster and spiritual guide. I am dedicated to helping strong successful women and men attract a healthy relationship with their authentic and passionate partner. I am a passionate champion for the divine feminine, and I serve with a compassionate and masculine heart.
My focus on respect for women informs my work with both women and men. My mission awakens women to own and express their feminine magnificence and majesty, in love, and in the world. I am also committed to helping men learn how to open their hearts without giving up their balls. With my expert guidance, both genders create greater balance in love, life and business, and my clients attract relationships that equal who they really are.
As an expert facilitator and guide for singles seeking healthy relationship and true self-love, I am affectionately known by my clients and friends as “the Love Doctor.”
With 40 years invested in personal development and training, including a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology and over 20 years as a professional spiritual counselor, I have helped thousands learn to love themselves and live in wholeness.
My #1 best-selling book, 50 Ways To Love Your Lover, helps singles and couples embody powerful principles for passionate and richly rewarding relationships. I bring deep compassion, a gentle and calm masculine presence, and wise guidance to assist my clients in their journey to true love.
“Barry got me to a place where I saw I could let go of circumstances and the pressure to figure everything out. The result was an invitation to the ultimate journey of self-love where going inward is priority over reacting outward. Even before changing an external thing, I am able to find clarity and gratitude exactly where I am.”
“Barry had a profound impact on my life when he was my guide. I have known him for many years and find his insight and wisdom to be centered in Truth — timeless and eternal. Thank you!”
“Barry your knowledge and understanding and insight were simply incredible! Thank you! I truly benefited from your unique insight and perspective…God Bless you!”
“Barry epitomizes the perfect blend of practical, spiritual, tangible and the intangible in relation to coaching. He comes from a gentle, loving, and friendly spirit that really speaks to women and allowed me to open up to him in a way as if I’ve known him forever. He is an attentive listener, and the insights he offered gave me real ways to redirect my energies. He helped me realize how to control only the things that I could control and to release that was merely holding me prisioner (when I didn’t even realize it was). He has certainly impacted my journey, and I am confident there are countless more who will be blessed to have Barry impact theirs.”
“Your guidance to hold that terrified little girl inside me safe has been a huge break through. I had never before linked my relationship behavior to that incident from when I was a child. As I continue to parent that little girl, I do indeed believe I will have healed this for the last time, just as I intended. I couldn’t have gotten there without your guidance and help. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and making this possible for me. I fully anticipate, (being now far more available for love), that love will step through toward me with an exquisite depth and grace I have always envisioned. I will keep you posted! Thank you, Barry.”