Raise Your Vibration For Love (Video)
Did you know there are specific keys to attracting anything? Including your future relationship? I talk about Liz Grabhorn's book, Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting.This book takes the Law Of Attraction to a more actionable level. Here I explain the 4 key principles from the book specifically to help you attract your ideal relationship. This was one […]
The Law Of Attraction sucks…..because it works!
You know what you want. You created a vision board and sat back and waited, and waited, and nothing happened. Your true love didn’t show up. You have used online dating sites, smartphone apps, and even met people in social settings. None of them are the one you truly want. Your true love hasn’t shown up. […]
I saw the pain in her face
I had to respond. I was watching her face as she told me of her latest romantic heart-break. I had coached her, a couple of weeks previously, when she was uncertain about the guy she was dating, to ask for what she wanted, and to really check in with her date what his intentions were. […]
Sexism, Misogyny and Celebrity, Oh My!
Celebrity does not equal intelligence, wisdom, compassion, honor or respect. You're hardly surprised! I read an article today in response to a radio show outburst, I mean opinion, responding to a report about actor Columbus Short being arrested for threatening his wife Tanee McCall Short with a knife in a reported domestic abuse incident. He held a knife to his wife's throat […]
How To Leave While You’re In Love.
“I wish one of my relationship expert friends would write a specific article on “How To Leave While You’re In Love”. This has been one of the hardest things to do because, right or wrong, I still love him so much. I just had to take a stand for real partnership that I’m committed to […]
Cherish and Worship, The Care and Nurturing of Your Soulmate
Are you ready to take your relationship to the next level? Do you really want to deepen your relationship? There’s a lot of offers out there that promise to give you the perfect relationship and romance. I have my own program, specifically designed for single women, that in short-hand is a powerful immersive program in […]
Your Purpose – The Gift That Keeps On Giving
What stops you from living full out, dropping self-interest, instead living your purpose and bringing your gifts into the world? You (well, probably not you of course, but likely someone close you know) have many justifiable and rational reasons and choices for not being all you can be. Such as: Fear of being noticed . Fear of failure. […]
Care of the Self
“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Eleanor Brownn “Self-care is possessing enough self-awareness to invoke repeated patterns of being, that harmoniously correct the behaviors of over-functioning for others while under-functioning for […]
3 Massive Mistakes That Ruin Your Romantic Relationship.
Did my title grab your attention? I hope so. It is my hope that you take these lessons to heart, and make your relationships a whole lot more passionate, entertaining, rewarding, and rich. A word to the wise. These are three massive mistakes that will definitely impact your romantic relationship, however they are not the […]